Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dolce And Gabbana Swot

Crostata di speck&asparagi

Fresh Fresh publishing LeiWeb this tasty recipe with the latest asparagus available in season !!!!! Good

Hugs, kisses & cookies

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Donate Blood Ft Lauderdale

Crostata nocciole&visciole

Last night I was watching one of my favorite shows on the air in Gambero Rosso: "Softly" in which each episode Chef Maurizio Santin has one of its spectacular dessert recipes! usually are always provided with pen and paper because there are so many that are replicable without many problems, the series that seem much more complicated than they are, and yesterday was precisely one of these!
the pastry is a base of the pastry, custard and idem together are already excellent cake, with the addition of the jam and sour cream with nuts to create a tart taste very special ! The sour
keeps her slightly acid flavor that sets it apart, but is tempered by the smoky hazelnut and the softness of custard that wraps everything!

Unfortunately I could not note the exact doses as well as the chef has given them, but mi sono adattata con quanto avessi a disposizione io!

Ingredienti (1 stampo da crostata da 26cm+ 1 da 22cm)

per la frolla

350g farina 00
100g fecola
200g burro freddo
150g zucchero semolato
2 tuorli
1 uovo intero
la scorza di un limone

per la crema pasticcera

3 tuorli
400ml latte fresco
25g fecola
25g farina 00
5 cucchiai di zucchero semolato

1 vasetto di marmellata di visciole

per la crema di nocciole

3 tuorli
4 albumi
150g burro morbido-pomata
170g caster sugar 4 tablespoons powdered sugar

100g breadcrumbs 100g chopped roasted hazelnuts with flour salt

preparation is long but can be very well organized so as to divide it in two days and are moving ahead with pastry cream!

Prepare the pastry to form a loaf and place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours ( is such that it needs more time in the evening to make it better the next day or the morning for the evening! is kept in the fridge for two days even when there are no problems, the important thing is that before you roll to be brought back to room temperature otherwise in danger of crumbling invece che essere ben morbida )

Preparare la crema pasticcera:
-sbattere i tuorli con lozucchero fino a ottenere una crema spumosa, incorporare le farine setacciate e tenere da parte;
-in un tegamino far scaldare il latte; versare a filo un terzo del latte nel composto di uova sempre mescolando e poi versare questa crema nel resto del latte e riportare sul fuoco; far addensare la crema mescolando sempre con una frusta;
-togliere dal fuoco, versare in una terrina, coprire con pellicola facendola aderire perfettamente alla superficie così da non creare la patina opaca e far freddare completamente
anche la crema può essere preparata in anticipo, massimo però la sera per la mattina After the morning or the evening, using fresh eggs do not keep more than one day!

Prepare hazelnut (only at the time of actual use)
-beat softened butter with sugar until the mixture is white and fluffy;
add egg yolks one at a time continuing to beat (I always use the whip of my beloved Kitchen Aid) to amalgamate the best;
-in another bowl beat egg whites with a pinch of salt and add the powdered sugar a little at a time
-cut into flour with the hazelnuts bread-
Add the "flour" to the mixture of butter & eggs and finally amalgmamare egg whites gently, keep da parte;

Passiamo all'assemblaggio :
-accendere il forno a 180°
-Stendere la frolla e rivestire gli stampi da crostata;
-versare sul fondo degli stampi la crema pasticcera;
-versare la marmellata di visciole a cucchiaiate senza stenderla perchè si mischierebbe con la crema, lasciarla così che poi si andrà espandendo in cottura;
-con una sacca da pasticceria senza usare bocchette, disporre la crema di nocciole a cerchi concentrici sulla torta;
-infornare in forno caldo per 20 minuti; controllare la cottura ed eventualmente prolungare di altri 5 minuti a 160°.

far freddare nello stampo e poi servire a fette cospargendo con zucchero a velo.
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Monday, May 18, 2009

Why Do I Have Green Mucus Coming From My Eyes

Sgombri alla livornese

New recipe that you can find here , explained step by step with pictures that illustrate the process for filleting fish and cut the fillets are perfect!!
but if you do not want to try your hand at this venture, ask the fishmonger fillet the courtesy to him!!

Hugs, kisses & cookies