Monday, June 15, 2009

Queen Anne Computer Desk

Bread & Apples

Bentrovai appointment on Monday with the recipes of "Tips & Cooks " to " LeiWeb "!
This week I offer a gourmet medley as I enjoyed calling in contacts between the two recipes that are a source of memories for me and lots of snacks!
Two cakes that they both belong to the popular tradition of Lombardy my home region, and Piedmont, my adoptive region: the first is the super classic " Paesana cake" (or "cake of bread"), while the second is an apple pie and chocolate I have ever eaten in piedmont because at least once a week or grandmother or her sister it prepared its own version!

Both have a recipe codified in the sense that it is very very simple cakes, do not provide fixed doses of ingredients, and these themselves may also change depending on availability! Grandma, just as an example, you may not home had raisins or pine nuts was not affixed to the store to pick them up ... if it was safely without it!!
Seguite il link per la ricetta !!!!


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