Monday, July 6, 2009

Red Streaks On Skin Face

soft cake & raspberry jam

Ye, ye ye ... this Monday we are to meet with the usual " Tips & Cooks " on LeiWeb !
cue and inspiration for the recipe was grilled yesterday at the lake, spectacular day, sunny, warm but ventilated because on our famous lawn is always good too! After many years of camping, finally, my uncles, and guests, took four walls that enclose a small but equipped kitchen with oven ... which for me when he sees that as a bag of flour for the pastry and esenziale unable to restrain himself was the driving force for me to prepare a quick trick quick to nibble at the end of lunch!

I used what I had available, but being a simple mixture, the same can be prepared muffins (with my doses it should be about 20), or a cake with a diameter of 24cm!
Here is the recipe!

Hugs, kisses & cookies


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