Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Meet Nadine Jansen Info

Cheesecake Pumpkin

Fall time of pumpkins! I am
a living paradox regarding these fruits because I really like baked, but I can not tolerate in any other way that the filling of the tortellini classic valance or the outline of a few seconds or as inq T his case is a fundamental part of sweet!
So why did you do a cheesecake?!?
Because I had three pumpkins to dispose of and no longer knew how to use them, so the research network of some ideuzza are on the site happened giust'approposito GialloZafferano with this spectacular recipe!
I followed step by step, so I leave you only the photos of my cheesecake.
The only variations I made are state l'uso di biscotti al cacao al posto dei digestive che nn avevo!

Se vi piace la zucca questa รจ un'ottima torta da provare!


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