Friday, July 31, 2009

Recipe For Simple Madras

Come on come on let's go ... ... spignattar

Among the last pages of this blog ran an abundance of hay bales as those seen in the dust, wrapped dl desert in western movies, not I was not at all in this virtual life on the guilt or the fact that I have lavished instead the real one every day looking for a job in gourmet, finally finding it after I literally made via telephone and in person in some farms near Milan , to be precise in Brianza, an area that is full of interesting proposals to spend a Sunday with his legs under the table to eat as they say "typical" and "good."

Today begins my new adventure, one of many in recent years I have stubbornly sought, often without the mother's approval that has not always shared with me my aspirations and my real desires, but that has never, however, balked segregating within the four walls and a warning as punishment later. It is certain that she
AVEE preferred another way because of his daughter and at times little dreamer constant, but I know he loves me and I understood from the emphasis with which in recent days asking me updates and news about my new beginning.

The fact is that the head of projects, there are many, one that involves my friend Alice, sister and friend for many years now and with whom the idea of \u200b\u200bsharing the passion for cooking would be a ' great satisfaction, but today it began a solo, is a test, as always, even to myself, I want to convince me that mine is not only a passion, but that move from this passion I am able to do something concrete that is both satisfying and rewarding.
More explanations in due time, we say that these lines are more valuable to me as a Jew's harp rather than a real announcement.
I expected my trial period, then as I was early "look" okay .. so we'll see! The usual sweet
Hugs, kisses & cookies


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