Monday, February 1, 2010

Why Would I Have Warts On My Scalp

roll the chestnut jam

Altro secolo dall'ultimo aggiornamento del blog; ho in bozza tutta una serie di ricette che a breve sarà mia premura pubblicare e già che sono le 17.30 perchè non iniziare con una adatta alla merenda???


Per la pasta biscotto
4 uova
100g zucchero semolato fine80g farina 00
20g fecola o farina di riso

per il ripieno
1 vasetto di marmellata di castagne

Prepare the biscuit dough:

-divide the egg yolks and beat with half the sugar until the mixture is white and swollen;
steadfast-whip the whites with a pinch of salt and gradually incorporating the remaining sugar;
-sift flour in the egg yolks and add the egg whites, stirring gently;-prepare a roasting pan with parchment paper and pour the mixture;
bake 180 degrees for 12 minutes;
-Remove from oven and invert on a clean, damp cloth, then remove the parchment paper, dampened with a sponge and wrap the "sponge" as strudel in a towel, allow to cool completely.
Once cold, and play spread with jam heated and then rewind the roll over himself always with the help of the cloth;
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cocoa and serve!

E 'can achieve the same result in a "gluten free" using flour instead of the allowed 00 and making sure to fit very well be that the egg yolks in the absence of other sources that help to rise;
It 'important to use a clean cloth and cloth to wrap the cookie dough once removed from the oven when it is cold otherwise it will be impossible to roll! I

the chestnut jam I made it this way:

starting with about 1kg of fresh chestnuts, I have scored and then made boil until cooked, peeled and deprived of peliccina;
I have weighed them and after I added Puree one third of their weight of sugar and I put on the fire until creamy; agiungendo little at a time hot water make jam softer;
It 's a clean and peel the chestnuts lavorone so unless you have at hand eight trees on the ground that there leave a decent amount, I suggest you buy the pureed chestnuts ready!
Hugs, kisses & cookies


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