Monday, September 14, 2009

Brown Discharge And Fever

Pudding Chocolate and amaretto

are tornataaaaaaa! Ok for a while because
I have to run away again, oh oh oh ... official, now the time to post recipes scarce so much and I regret this because it take a few minutes at the keyboard of the computer to write about ingredients and their styling is more relaxed when I take this opportunity I can carve out some time during the evenings of rest from spignattamento in agriculture!
I do not like a lot of the desserts, I prefer a bela chocolaty cake instead of Bavarian-cream pudding and the like, but the last request we have prepared this very simple chocolate pudding, following the basic recipe and then I just added some sliced \u200b\u200balmonds and amaretto into the final as a decoration!

Ingredients (8 molds or 2 large)

2 bags of prepared custard powder 700ml warm milk

amaretto almond flakes to taste

-Dissolve the preparation of the third dose of milk and mix with a whip in a way not to form lumps, heat in a nonstick saucepan and add the remaining milk a little at a time until you reach a boil, simmer on low heat for a few minutes and then pour in the molds lightly moistened with Amaretto;
-Let cool to room temperature and then allow to cool completely in refrigerator at least 3 hours before serving;
-decoration How to use the macaroons to be placed on individual molds or on pleasure stampi più grandi; si possono anche sbriciolare sopra il budino già sformato!

Lo so che il budino si prepara anche molto semplicemente con cacao e fecola o maizena, però ho trovato questo preparato equosolidale che è davvero ottimo, senza conservanti nè sostanze strane di cui nn si bene l'esatta provenienza!


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