Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Furry Yiff Yaoi Decent Furry Yiff Flashes?
Esponete I vostri tricolori!
''The March 17, 1861 was born - reiterated again today as President of the Republic - the unitary state that has allowed our country to take a decisive historical progress, strengthen the love of country and put an end to fragmentation. A key date in our being Italian. For this reason, I was adamant in supporting the absolute necessity 'that the 150 * anniversary of the Unity' of Italy was not only a national holiday, but that it was a 'Series A'''. E 'assertion Asc Defence Minister, Ignazio La Russa.
PoggioImperialeFg invites all to exhibit terranovesi il Tricolore per la festività, facciamolo tutti!
Rules To Frustration Board Game
a long time I could not remember the dreams, on time, I did every night. Towards the end of the dream I felt like I could not forget what I had seen or heard, then when I woke up, I could not bring out anything more than I wanted to see, whether or not a feeling of anxiety or fear or joy or disbelief. This morning, however, do the dawn, things went differently than usual, and almost could not believe my eyes. I could see clearly all the pictures and remember, word for word what he had said a figure of powerful, throaty voice, turning to me. All around him shone with a diffuse light che lo faceva assomigliare ad un santo della migliore tradizione.
Ero incredulo. Anzi, spaventato. "Che cosa mi sta succedendo?, pensai. "Che sia la lucidità che precede il trapasso?". Attesi un po', ma mi convinsi che non era questa la situazione. Decisi allora di mettere nero su bianco. Presi l'I Phone di mio figlio e registrai, parlando ad alta voce, il monologo di quella figura: le parole si trasformarono quasi miracolosamente in parole scritte. E ora, con una semplice operazione di copia-incolla, le trasferisco qui:
" You want to know how we take action? We will only say that we have taken many decisions that have increased the political weight of our family. After all you, in your blog, which I follow closely from the beginning, I've written and rewritten. Also too, actually. So I will not be here to remind you all of my movements. I will just tell you that is still missing - but for a very short time - a key move on the chessboard of our power: the direct management of Theatre . It 's time for him to leave (with full honors, of course, we do not want your shoes to anyone!) who have hitherto had the tasks of management of the theater, we have in the house who has the ability to decide the programming to make a great leap of Culture. It 's still one of our family? Sure, but it's our fault if people from all geniuses out there? And then, let's face it, people just might grumble, Sparla too, but then revealed to have a great digestive system.
Gay Cruising Spots Mobile Aal
good morning everyone ... today decisively fish .. and .. I bought some fresh perch fillet with tomato sauce from it but then I took a look to the vegetables I had at home and I invented this roll, ... I wanted to pair the soup with the fish to see what it came out .. but then I thought ..! with what I can accompany the salad ..?! noo ... broccoli ..! steamed broccoli but it is reduced to a puree and the result was not excellent but it was really appreciated by my guinea pigs ... 's approaching fish zucca e broccolo e passabile....
Meanwhile peel the potatoes and 4 part taglimole we clean the broccoli and cook in steam including steam potatoes should be soft enough, ready vegetables masher pass them by dropping a clock in our mashed garlic cloves add that we have put into the pan with the rolls with all the shirt taken from the shirt is very soft mashed vegetables to uniamoli add butter, salt, a pinch of nutmeg and add milk, stirring with wire on the fire we thicken and cook for 5 minutes ...
perch fillets FRESH
8 anchovy fillets
3-4 Garlic cloves
1 / 2 cup white wine
2 medium potatoes
SALT and OIL qb
good morning everyone ... today decisively fish .. and .. I bought some fresh perch fillet with tomato sauce from it but then I took a look to the vegetables I had at home and I invented this roll, ... I wanted to pair the soup with the fish to see what it came out .. but then I thought ..! with what I can accompany the salad ..?! noo ... broccoli ..! steamed broccoli but it is reduced to a puree and the result was not excellent but it was really appreciated by my guinea pigs ... 's approaching fish zucca e broccolo e passabile....
prendiamo la zucca puliamola dei sui semi e i suoi filamenti e facciamola cuocere per circa 3-5 minuti nel microonde oppure nel forno non deve spappolare la zucca .. prendiamo i filetti di persico e andiamo appoggiare sopra le fette di zucca tagliate fine mettete i filetti di acciughe salate e aggiungete una spolverata di timo avvolgete delicatamente il persico per ottenere l'involtino legate con del spago da cucina mettiamoli in una teglia rivestita di carta forno con un filo d'olio di oliva e 3-4 spicchi d'aglio con tutta la camicia e facciamo cuocere in forno caldo a 180-200 per circa 20-40 minuti spruzzateli con il white wine turning a few times gently to not break them ... when they are cooked, turn the oven off and let the rolls cool ..
Meanwhile peel the potatoes and 4 part taglimole we clean the broccoli and cook in steam including steam potatoes should be soft enough, ready vegetables masher pass them by dropping a clock in our mashed garlic cloves add that we have put into the pan with the rolls with all the shirt taken from the shirt is very soft mashed vegetables to uniamoli add butter, salt, a pinch of nutmeg and add milk, stirring with wire on the fire we thicken and cook for 5 minutes ...
take a serving dish pour the puree take the rolls and cut into thick slices we're going to rest on the mashed broccoli brought to the table and serve ..
... TRY TO ENJOY ...
... LIA ...
FEW DAYS AGO WE HAVE KINDLY OFFERED THIS BLOG AWARD VALERIO Shawls Take it by the throat and Maria Luisa THE BLOG AND WE Appetite comes with eating With great affection I offer it to all those who follow us and that we allow DAILY COMMENTS, THANK YOU VERY SPECIAL! A big kiss and Pina LIA

Monday, March 14, 2011
Women Cyclist Cametoe
D. SN: So what could have happened?
features an interview published in "The Chronicle" of Livorno on Monday 14 March, the engineer Paul Forzano, 63, spent 28 years at Ansaldo Nuclear.
D. Savonanews.it: Engineer, his impressions of the nuclear situation in Japan?
R. Paul Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Force: are not good, unfortunately. They were not already by the news last night, when it became known that "lacking the power the cooling system was not working." This is a story not credible, because the problem of cooling is always very sensitive when designing a power plant, and we always put in a position to have generators in case replacement is a power failure. You use the special diesel, which does not need heating as the traditional diesel engine but going full speed as they are lit: we had them in the middle we were building a Caorso 40 years ago, so there should be necessarily even in Fukushima.
D. SN: So what could have happened?
Ing Force: difficult to make assumptions based, but the quake may have damaged the diesel, either directly or indirectly: enough for a truck parked nearby, due to the earthquake, is thrown against a generator, and that goes into failure. assumptions may be a thousand. The fact is that the only interruption of electricity "normal" could not have caused a problem of this size.
D. SN: What, exactly, when a reactor is overheating?
Forzano Ing: It 'a very serious problem because the plant does not operate as traditional ones in which you load each time the fuel that is necessary: \u200b\u200b a nuclear power plant is loaded with the power to go on a year and a half to two years. you put in the maximum amount of uranium fuel rods.
Then you have two control systems, which are called "control rods" and that in practice are two different systems:
- the first is used for regulating and limiting the power, and almost never touch it. At most you can give some small adjustment when needed.
- The second is that which allows the " shut down" or "close all", turn off the nuclear reaction. If these systems are faulty, are serious problems. Very serious.
To understand why we need to understand how it works a nuclear reaction: that is a bit 'as a pool table. When it hits another ball, two balls fall speed: a slow and the other accelerates. To have nuclear energy we must create the maximum amount of these "bumps" between the balls (or neutrons), and the best way to have more impact is to reduce the speed. This requires a "moderator", which is water. Water has two functions: it acts as a moderator of the speed, but at the same time serves to cool. Unfortunately, when the water heats, it becomes steam, which turns air: air, on the contrary water, is a "heater" and not a cooler. If a bar is hit by steam instead of water, you can get the merger.
D. SN: But you can not intervene with the control bars?
R. Ing Forzano No, because the bar, before melting, is deformed. And the system through which control rods act is quite specific: it is a sort of "cage" within which runs the bar of uranium but does not have much game ... around. If the bar is deformed, no longer passes.
D. SN: But then the disaster becomes inevitable?
R. Ing Force: Fortunately not, because there is still a chance: the so-called " poisoning", which is done by the boron. If you fill the nucleus of boron, the nuclear reaction stops.
D. SN: to have done in Japan, hopefully ...
R. Ing Strengths: Hopefully, yes. But there is a problem for uranium poisoning need electricity.
D. SN: We could say that would be another Chernobyl?
R. Ing Force: Unfortunately yes, it could be. Also because there was an explosion, then an emanation of a very high heat: then the reactor should be considered out of control in the sense that if you burn a slash and burn all the other. What they say the various sources, there has already been a leak of cesium, which is a very bad score because it falls on water, vegetation, and then the food chain. The situation can not be considered comforting, even if you just keep calm and not panic.
D. SN: The fact of life elsewhere in the world puts us safe from the risks?
R. Ing Force:
We were never safe: we Italians have been affected by the explosion of Hiroshima and also the tragedy of Chernobyl. Of course you try to hide the fact, as was done in those opportunities and how it is done every day on our own territory for the effects of burning coal, which is not many that do less damage.
But until they tell us, we remain ignorant and quiet ... almost. One thing is certain: the radiation is something you pay for generations. There are isotopes that disappear in fifteen years, but there are others who take millions of years before leaving. of leukemia caused by Chernobyl is still dying today ... and the same will happen to any nuclear disaster, beyond what the media say.
D. SN: It 's a show that nuclear is not sure how often you try to pretend?
R. Ing Force: We need to understand three points:
- First nuclear power, understood as "nuclear", is actually safer - as they are more controlled - for many other industrial products: this has Chicco Testa reason that we heard yesterday evening (Otto e Mezzo, La7 ed) But only in this, unfortunately.
- Second, we must consider that Engineering the risk factor is calculated always and only in a statistical sense: that is, according to the probability of occurrence of an event. The probability of a nuclear accident is very low statistically , having examined all the security systems and all the controls that are executed, but unfortunately the story goes to show that "low" does not mean "nonexistent." Also, when / if the nuclear incident occurs, the consequences are always larger epochal.
- Third as it seems almost minimal in comparison to the consequences of the accident is that the real, big problem of the nuclear waste. that no one has yet figured out how and where to dispose of. It must be remembered that the plant waste is a small part of the whole chain, because they produce waste extraction, and then transport, and then processing, particularly of uranium. The incident is certainly much more impressive, but the most serious risks of nuclear power are unable to treat / dispose of waste. And this must always be remembered, not only when a disaster happens, because maybe now we will say that the plant was the second-generation Japanese, who had 40 years, now there are modern ones and more secure (Same thing already known to Chernobyl ...), but no one can yet say "we have solved the problem of waste." Because it has never been solved and you can not see the horizon, no concrete solution.
D. SN: After recent events, therefore, we should say a firm NO to nuclear power?
- must clarify one thing, though: Before you make any assessment on energy production must take into account a host of factors. You can not say "yes" or "no" based solely on emotion, or a single factor. You have to assess i costi, gli investimenti necessari, la possibilità di approvvigionamento; non dimenticando che diversi combustibili ci costringono a dipendere da terzi e quindi a rimanere legati, nel bene e nel male, alla politica internazionale, l’impatto ambientale e i costi sanitari.
Se teniamo conto di tutto questo ad per esempio, il carbone non è meglio del nucleare: anzi, forse è anche peggio, anche se finora sono stati trascurati elementi che per fortuna oggi cominciano ad emergere, come l’impatto sanitario non solo delle emissioni, ma anche delle radiazioni, superiori a quelle che si riscontrano vicino a una centrale nucleare.
Insomma, l’approccio should be both scientific and economic but unfortunately the only real yardstick for today seems to be an indication that comes from the industrial lobby.
Needless to say, only by investing in renewable energy, solar thermal, you could have Today clean energy, safe and above all endless, but it would be important also to make sure the construction industry, because a third of the energy we consume is due to households and small craft. Even improving the insulation of our homes would result in an energy-saving importance.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Jada Slipcovered Sofa
With this recipe, sent by Emanuela, participate in game forums Zasusa!
300 g sugar 300 g butter 300 g starch
4 eggs grated rind of one lemon
1 / 2 sachet baking powder sugar
icing for the mold
Working to cream butter with sugar and lemon rind, mixing, one at a time, egg yolks, making sure to incorporate each of them well before adding the next.
Add the starch sifted with baking powder. Combine the mixture the whites beaten until stiff with a spatula, gently incorporate making from the bottom upwards to disassemble.
Pour into a greased and floured cake tin and bake at 170 degrees for 50-55 minutes.
Remove, and then, from oven, cool on a wire rack, then unmold and sprinkle with icing sugar, to taste.
A special feature of this cake is that it can also be eaten by coeliacs does not contain gluten.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Country Bathroom Vanities
The destruction of the butterflies
Even the Tokyo Tower could not stand the shock and it is bent. The arrow pointed toward the sky of steel is now a sad symbol of technology failure.
With the Tokyo Tower is the illusion is bent to prevent disasters and protect wealth through. The whole world is witnessing the suffering dismay of the country's most advanced, most sophisticated techniques in earthquake and civil protection. The Tokyo Tower, 330 meters quell'antenna television, which sends signals from the network NHK, is not only the tower Eiffel dei giapponesi e la loro risposta all'Empire State Building. E' il simbolo di una nazione che "si piega ma non si spezza", che ha assorbito la tragedia unica nella storia umana di due olocausti nucleari. Da ieri il Giappone ha capito che non basta sapersi "piegare", la flessibilità delle nuove tecnologie di costruzione non lo ha salvato dalla tragedia. La modernità è sconfitta e molti abitanti della capitale d'istinto ieri sono fuggiti verso le piazze e i parchi antistanti il Palazzo imperiale: è l'unica zona di Tokyo dov'è proibito costruire grattacieli, e tutti gli edifici sono bassi. Per chiamare parenti e amici si sono gettati verso i vecchi telefoni a gettoni, i soli risparmiati dal grande black-out delle comunicazioni che per hours of dumb phones. They raided the bike shops: the oldest means of transport was the only one to bring them home in the chaos of the huge traffic jams and paralysis of trains and metro. All that Japan has built the most advanced, yesterday was the collapse: as nuclear power upon which a third of its electricity. It 'had to step in the U.S. Air Force by the U.S. military bases to supply emergency with the "coolant" after the cooling systems of nuclear reactor in Fukushima had failed. "Nuclear Emergency", proclaimed the government and another warning is added to the earthquake, despite decades of practice to ensure that the central atomic Japanese were earthquake-proof.
It 'a show in which he shall be dismayed by the friendly superpower on the other side of the ocean. America woke up in fear that the tsunami overwhelm Hawaii, then the West Coast. Entire cities in California have been evacuated but the giant waves made a victim in the sea in Crescent City, and damage in several coastal areas. But it is above the image of the Japanese disaster followed live by the Americans with bated breath, enhance the feeling of helplessness. "Japan has the most stringent seismic laws in the world - look at the New York Times - the same earthquake in any other country in the world, even the richest, avrebbe già fatto decine di migliaia di morti in poche ore". Gli americani lo sanno, neppure la California ha investito tanto quanto il Giappone: nei grattacieli costruiti per "piegarsi e non spezzarsi" assorbendo l'impatto; nelle dighe costiere anti-tsunami; nei sensori digitali che collegano perfino le abitazioni individuali col più vasto sistema elettronica di allerta. Di certo avrà limitato il bilancio delle vittime, ma è pur sempre una tragedia. Quando prende la parola Barack Obama promettendo "tutti gli aiuti che il governo giapponese ci sta chiedendo", l'America sente che questa tragedia è un segno di vulnerabilità globale. E' un altro "cigno nero", uno di quegli eventi che gli statistici definiscono "a bassissima probabilità, and high potential for harm. "
As the mortgage crisis that plunged the world into recession of 2008-2009. Again, the fear that America will gather on the horizon a perfect storm." The double shock earthquake Tsunami in Japan is the last of the shots in the global economy that have occurred suddenly in a few weeks, obscuring a horizon that seemed to turn to good. First there was the wave of anti-authoritarian revolutions in the Arab world, with its collateral impact on oil prices "that alone is already a heavy burden on growth" according to the Fed chairman Ben Bernanke. Ties to the high price of oil is the return of inflationary expectations. The most world's largest bond fund, Pimco, has sold its entire portfolio of Treasury bills, so it is clear that central banks should raise rates soon (in this case the old brutally Bot depreciate). Then came a surprise from China, its exports have grown only 2.4% over the last twelve months. There are fears that anti-inflation by the central bank of China begins to "bite", but if the locomotive slows Asian around the world will feel the consequences. The third shock came simultaneously by the rating agency Moody's downgraded the sovereign debt of Spain. "Europe becomes a time bomb," is the comment by Desmond Lachman of American Enterprise Institute in the Washington Post.
The last shock is the calamity which puts the knee in Japan, the world's third largest economy. A disaster paradoxically "amplified" by its modernity and wealth, because Japan as a country is advanced over-insured (unlike Indonesia), and then the damage is immediately reflected on the balance sheets of insurance companies worldwide. If the disaster in Kobe in 1995 cost 100 billion, 15 years after the impact can only be multiplied. The "beating of butterfly wings on the other side of the planet that creates a hurricane" is not an image of literature, is studying the theory of chaos mathematics. Three, four butterflies simultaneously, they can bend not only the Tokyo Tower but a world without walls or compartments, where the contagion of the crisis traveling at the speed of light.
Federico Rampini, the Republic
Friday, March 11, 2011
How Long Will Pinot Noir Last
Legnago too, as in all of Italy, will be held la manifestazione di piazza "Se non ora quando"
per la Costituzione e per la Scuola pubblica,
sabato 12 marzo dalle ore 16,00 alle 18,30 ,
con letture, testimonianze e musica in piazza Garibaldi ; sarà una manifestazione aperta a tutti , non di partito. Le bandiere saranno solo quelle dell'Italia.
Sources For Cydia Pokemon
rustica ma buona ...
120 g DI FARINA 00
125 g DI BURRO
con questa ricetta partecipo al nuovo contest
I made this pie for the contest ...... I've never used buckwheat flour and for the first time and I loved it because it has a rustic flavor where you feel just a taste of the field .... and also liked my daughter and her friend as you can see the time to pull it from the oven and have devoured more than half the time I turned around and had almost finished .... rustic but very good ...
120 g DI FARINA 00
125 g DI BURRO
con questa ricetta partecipo al nuovo contest
di grano saraceno mon amur di montagne di biscotti
I made this pie for the contest ...... I've never used buckwheat flour and for the first time and I loved it because it has a rustic flavor where you feel just a taste of the field .... and also liked my daughter and her friend as you can see the time to pull it from the oven and have devoured more than half the time I turned around and had almost finished .... rustic but very good ...
I made the pastry using the camera I paid camera in the flours to the butter sugar + egg yolk mixture and start the screening program I let knead for about 10-20 minutes or pulled out of the mix and I let it sit for about an hour in the fridge. .
butter and flour the pan or wrap it in greaseproof paper ( I had not) and cover with the pastry to a thickness of 1 cm pour over the plum jam (or one you prefer) Level good jam (I used a homemade jam with white plums) and decorate the tart with the pastry and put that forward in a hot oven at 180 for 35-40 minutes once cooked pulled from the oven and let cool and serve ... I do not have time to become even lukewarm who have eaten ...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Salaries For Ccie In Eourope
I fatti:
Il Sindaco Rettondini ha nominato Councillor Budget Bariani Alessio, brother of Director Richard Bariani instead of Anna Maria Torelli. The same, forced to resign, Arena said: "... My expulsion is just a shameful matter of seats and balances between current ...". On another occasion he told first newspaper:" I have always Government worked with the utmost care. "
But need to operate with full commitment? Evidently, for the Junta Rettondini not. This joint work having families at the center of attention : not quite all the families, to be honest. Indeed, few per essere esatti. Ma quelle al centro delle attenzioni lo sono fino in fondo. A cominciare dalla famiglia Giarola , sicuramente al vertice, per continuare con Raganà , con De Lorenzi ed ora con Bariani. Un bell'esempio di servizio disinteressato ai cittadini.
Legnago, spero, merita di meglio!
I fatti:
Il Sindaco Rettondini ha nominato Councillor Budget Bariani Alessio, brother of Director Richard Bariani instead of Anna Maria Torelli. The same, forced to resign, Arena said: "... My expulsion is just a shameful matter of seats and balances between current ...". On another occasion he told first newspaper:" I have always Government worked with the utmost care. "
But need to operate with full commitment? Evidently, for the Junta Rettondini not. This joint work having families at the center of attention : not quite all the families, to be honest. Indeed, few per essere esatti. Ma quelle al centro delle attenzioni lo sono fino in fondo. A cominciare dalla famiglia Giarola , sicuramente al vertice, per continuare con Raganà , con De Lorenzi ed ora con Bariani. Un bell'esempio di servizio disinteressato ai cittadini.
Legnago, spero, merita di meglio!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Jardine Enterprises Crib Biella

with these two books

meat broth 1 / 2 onion, 250 grams of bacon
300 g potatoes 400 g half
tomato sauce to taste
oregano to taste Parmesan cheese to taste
Prepare a broth.
Chop the onion and pour into a pan jumps pasta smoked pork with the diced bacon and add 2 tablespoons of oil. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Once browned onions and bacon, add half a ladle of broth and add potatoes.

Let cook a few minutes then add two cucciai of tomato and a handful of oregano. Pour the dough at this point in the sauce with potatoes
Add the broth a little at a time as they will be absorbed by the pasta during cooking.
After cooking, turn off the heat let stand a couple of minutes and serve hot, with the grated Parmesan.


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