Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Anaemia After C Section


Horror is shameless, but the wonder grows confidentiality. So the protagonists of this history we know only that they are Venetian. And they were married. Then he fell seriously ill and needs a kidney compatible, as often happens, is not found. The ex-wife sees, understands the situation and without saying anything is presented to the transplant center of Padua. Willing to donate a piece of his body man with whom he shared a piece of his life. The medical board has already cleared, expects to one day of the magistrate.

now requested by the undersigned, the cynicism office (housed in a room of the bruised heart) announced that she would act in the grip of Stockholm syndrome - the attraction to her persecutor - or at the direction of guilt, depending on whether the marriage foundered or had suffered more than hurt. But the pragmatism office (located in the left hemisphere of the brain and save the human being from the cliffs, even if prevented him from flying) insinuates that the former wife would move from the maternal sense: verso l’ex marito o gli eventuali figli, per non farne degli orfani. Ma l’ufficio intuizione (emisfero destro del cervello, poco frequentato) azzarda una terza ipotesi piuttosto straordinaria: che l’amore di quella donna per quell’uomo non sia finito col matrimonio e la riconosciuta impossibilità di vivere insieme. Perché l’amore, le rare volte in cui è davvero tale, non è un’emozione e neppure solo un sentimento. E’ un’energia. E l’energia non la puoi fermare, purtroppo. Per fortuna.

di Massimo Gramellini; LA STAMPA


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