Friday, October 30, 2009

Tender Breasts Ovarian Cysts

tart "mounted" with ricotta & chocolate

The original recipe is the latest edition of "Salt & Pepper" but in them the basis of a pastry crust was white, I will be super choco-addicted which I decided to abound with cocoa and then a beautiful cake moracciona!


for shortbread
300g flour 130g caster sugar 130g soft butter

40g cocoa powder 2 eggs

for the filling 300g fresh ricotta cheese

extra 100g dark chocolate 4 tablespoons sugar 1 egg

-Prepare the pastry in a bowl, whisk the eggs with sugar until mixture is puffed and add the softened butter and one-third of the dust sifted together, continue beating the whole thing and then add the rest of the powders, mix well all, form a ball and place it in the fridge to rest for an hour;

Prepare the filling-up the oven to 180 °
-with the electric whisk beat the ricotta with the sugar and egg; tritare a coltello il cioccolato e unirlo al composto;

-Foderare uno stampo da crostata da 22cm con carta forno o burro&farina;

-Stendere la frolla in due dischi di cui uno più grande per la base inferiore, con questo ricoprire lo stampo e versarvi all'interno il composto di ricotta;

-Coprire lo stampo con l'altro strato di frolla e se ne avanzasse formare delle decorazioni da mettere in superficie;

-Con i rebbi di una forchetta bucherellare il bordo della crostata così da far uscire l'umidità del ripieno;

-Cuocere in forno caldo per 40 minuti.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Man Masterbats In Car Clip

Plumcake varied Nutella

Aaaahhh, Nutella!
You know the expression enjoyed by Homer Simpson when he thinks of his favorite beer or hard to donoughts? here I have the same face when I think of Nutella!
The lowest dose that enters my house is the 750g jar and did not have time to go bad! Mai. Yesterday afternoon I was

"Gnecco," or in a bad mood, a bit malmostosa and reverse, in fact not really a good company, so in order to harmonize the environment, I decided to "sacrifice" three of my spoon to enrich a plum nectar bigusto.
cremosino The heart was very soft and the white part of toglietemelo ... daventi otherwise I will finish by solaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Ingredients 300g caster sugar 150g flour 00

cream 130g butter 4 eggs
1 packet of baking powder 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tablespoons
(well 4 if you want) of nutella

1 cup milk Preheat oven to 18th-degrees, the butter and flour a loaf pan or a hinge-22cm
In a bowl beat cream butter with sugar, then add an egg at a time and beat with whisk until mixture is very foamy;
-Sift flour with baking powder and vanilla and add to mixture, stirring gently with a wooden spoon, add half biscchiere milk and mix well;
-Pour half the mixture into the mold;
-Add the remaining mixture of cocoa and chocolate, mix well and dilute with milk , may seem too soft but that is so affixed in cooking nn dry and then can be soft and not stringy at least two days;
-Pour the mixture into the mold and black with the tip of a knife sunk in the two bodies so that marmorizzino lightly and evenly cook!
-I licked the spoon and then bake, bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, turn down to 160 and bake for 10 minutes and check the kitchen with uno stecchino.
-Far intiepidire giusto per non ustionarvi il palato al primo morso.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Payless Wallaby Shoes

Plumcake figs

La scorta di marmellata di fichi finalmente inzia a raccolto del mese scorso mi ha fruttato 4 barattoloni di marmellata di fichi&cioccolato, ma prima di utilizzare quella voglio finire la versione "nature" di soli fichi che ancora conservavo in dispensa, così su richiesta di un dolce " morbidoso-da-colazione-ma-non-troppo-dolce "(cit.) ho preparato un plumcake semplicissimo arricchito proprio con la marmellata incorporata all'impasto invece che spalmata all'interno!


130g soft butter 100g caster sugar 3 eggs

5-6 tablespoons flour 1 / 2 packet of baking powder
a jar of fig jam 250g milk taste

-Preheat oven to 180 degrees;
-Grease and flour pan classic plum cake
-Beat cream butter and sugar, add one egg at a time and continue beating with the whisk on medium speed;
-Sift flour with baking powder and add to the mixture a little at a time, mixing well with a wooden spoon, add the jam and masculated well together, if necessary agiungere too little milk to dilute the mixture, which must remain very creamy;
-Pour into the tin and bake for 45 minutes and check with a skewer.
-Allow to cool on a wire rack for cakes ... if you can always
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kate Ground Masterbate

Chocolate Cake

directly from the latest issue of "Salt & Pepper" I readily prepared this cake style American can not be more chocolaty!
A faint smell of coffee, which enriches the rich flavor of dark chocolate that makes it a true master in any recipe.
I have not changed a comma in the doses and ingredients of the cake, followed the recipe exactly as it was given in the magazine .. here it is:

extra 300g dark chocolate 150g caster sugar 3 eggs

00 180g flour 40g cocoa powder

1 / 2 sachet baking powder 2 teaspoons instant coffee vanilla

30g butter 1 cup milk

- Preheat oven to 180 °
-Melt chocolate in water bath spezzetato with the butter and let cool
-Beat the eggs with half dose of sugar, sift the dust (flour + baking powder + cocoa + sugar) and add the melted chocolate gradually, mixing well so that all nn unmount the eggs;
-Add the milk gradually;
-Grease and flour a mold 20cm round hinged and pour the mixture, bake in preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes, lower the temp. 160 ° and bake for 10 minutes
-Allow to cool in the mold and serve.
Hugs, kisses & cookies

I had the mold by 18cm so I got 4 other super mega muffins choco snack with which we will soon soon!

Friday, October 9, 2009

How To Masterbate Woman

New York Cheesecake

The site of " Saffron Yellow " is always a fantastic resource to comb through when you are looking for a recipe!
I wanted to try the super clasica and traditional New York Cheesecake "is because I was urgently required, and because it looks like a true "comfort food" that taking advantage of the first freschino this fall that he did not want to arrive, yesterday I used to cook it!
I bought the Philadelphia, then I pity that I forgot it in my fridge, so I had cottage cheese in the house that I used, and the result was much softer than with cream cheese, and is too slightly different from the original because it seems more compact than frothy, but the flavor did not suffer!

Ingredients (20cm springform pan)

for the base:
type digestive biscuits 80g butter 40g

for the cream: 250g fresh ricotta

100ml fresh cream (in nn cartoccino, that fresh!)

100g caster sugar 20g vanilla
starch or flour 1 egg and 2 egg

Prepare the base:
-crush biscuits in a food processor, add the melted butter and compact the mixture over the base of the mold lined with parchment paper, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to compact;

Prepare the cream:
-heat the oven to 180 degrees;
-In a bowl beat eggs with sugar, vanilla and cream until creamy and very swollen;
-Add the ricotta and the starch (or flour) and whisk again to mix the everything
-Remove the mold from refrigerator and add the cream and bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes, lower the temperature to 160 ° and continue for another 10 minutes.
-I then turned off the oven and open the door slightly and let the cake to cool with the fonro without removing it.
Hugs, kisses & cookies