Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kate Ground Masterbate

Chocolate Cake

directly from the latest issue of "Salt & Pepper" I readily prepared this cake style American can not be more chocolaty!
A faint smell of coffee, which enriches the rich flavor of dark chocolate that makes it a true master in any recipe.
I have not changed a comma in the doses and ingredients of the cake, followed the recipe exactly as it was given in the magazine .. here it is:

extra 300g dark chocolate 150g caster sugar 3 eggs

00 180g flour 40g cocoa powder

1 / 2 sachet baking powder 2 teaspoons instant coffee vanilla

30g butter 1 cup milk

- Preheat oven to 180 °
-Melt chocolate in water bath spezzetato with the butter and let cool
-Beat the eggs with half dose of sugar, sift the dust (flour + baking powder + cocoa + sugar) and add the melted chocolate gradually, mixing well so that all nn unmount the eggs;
-Add the milk gradually;
-Grease and flour a mold 20cm round hinged and pour the mixture, bake in preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes, lower the temp. 160 ° and bake for 10 minutes
-Allow to cool in the mold and serve.
Hugs, kisses & cookies

I had the mold by 18cm so I got 4 other super mega muffins choco snack with which we will soon soon!


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