Monday, December 14, 2009

Comunnity Service Template

Madeleines with candied

The Maddalene !
buoneeeeeeeeeeee that are soft, almost spongy and soggy tea in the afternoon maybe begin to fall out when the first flakes of snow heat the tummy and heart!
did not do hardly ever except when looking for a cookie mold I happen not to hand that to them and then tell me that since the minimum effort and performance instead ntevole, why not prepare a hearty baked?!?

Ingredients (for 12 medium Maddalene)

120g flour 100g caster sugar 90g melted butter

warm 1 teaspoon lieviro
pastry 1 egg yolk 1

a pinch of salt to taste candied

-In a bowl beat the eggs well with sugar and a pinch of salt the mixture is very light and fluffy;
-Add flour sifted with baking powder and finally the melted butter is not hot;
-mix well and also incorporate the candied lightly floured (No need to settle them all at the bottom) ;
-Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let stand in refrigerator at least 1 hour (VERY VERY IMPORTANT !!!!)
-heat the oven to 180 degrees and prepare a special mold, pour a teaspoon of dough for each train and bake heat for 12 minutes, or until surface is golden brown!

hugs, kisses & madeleines!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Meet Nadine Jansen Info

Cheesecake Pumpkin

Fall time of pumpkins! I am
a living paradox regarding these fruits because I really like baked, but I can not tolerate in any other way that the filling of the tortellini classic valance or the outline of a few seconds or as inq T his case is a fundamental part of sweet!
So why did you do a cheesecake?!?
Because I had three pumpkins to dispose of and no longer knew how to use them, so the research network of some ideuzza are on the site happened giust'approposito GialloZafferano with this spectacular recipe!
I followed step by step, so I leave you only the photos of my cheesecake.
The only variations I made are state l'uso di biscotti al cacao al posto dei digestive che nn avevo!

Se vi piace la zucca questa è un'ottima torta da provare!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blue Scarab Waldorf Md

Brownies Double Chocolate

Sono rimasta un attimo indietro con le ricette! cavolo si vede che sto proprio cercando lavoro in proporzione al numero di torte e dolcetti che in questo periodo ho il tempo di preparare!
Questa volta è stato il turno dei Brownies, che era una vita che non riproponevo, forse per l'eccessiva quantità di burro che comportano!
Io ho ridotto la dose e in effetti si sentiva perchè non erano così tanto morbidi come quelli originali, ma la bilancia otherwise really yells at me seriously if I get back in line!
What then ... if you think about it, we've reduced the amount of butter, but I have poured so much of ganache!

Ingredients (medium rectangular baking dish)

2 eggs 100g dark chocolate melted
extra 30g cocoa powder 130g flour

00 1 / 2 sachet baking powder
120g caster sugar 100g butter

Preheat oven to 180 °
Melt the butter with the chocolate and let cool
Beat eggs with sugar until frothy, add the powder sifted together, and finally the melted chocolate;
A pleasure to join also hazelnuts (or walnuts or almonds), coarsely chopped;
Pour mixture into greased and floured mold and bake for 20-25 minutes.
Remove from oven and let it cool, cut into squares or diamonds and once cold flood the brownies with a copious flow of chocolate ganache!

-I think it is better to cook this kind of dough for the first 10 minutes at 180 degrees and then lower the oven temperature to 160 degrees and continue cooking the remaining time shown so that the result both cakes baked from the heart but still very moist and soft! Important
-pour the warm ganache over cakes cool, not the other way because otherwise the brownies are still hot absorb the cream rather than letting it cool down form that layer of frosting that is a pleasure to bite!

Hugs, kisses & cookies

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tender Breasts Ovarian Cysts

tart "mounted" with ricotta & chocolate

The original recipe is the latest edition of "Salt & Pepper" but in them the basis of a pastry crust was white, I will be super choco-addicted which I decided to abound with cocoa and then a beautiful cake moracciona!


for shortbread
300g flour 130g caster sugar 130g soft butter

40g cocoa powder 2 eggs

for the filling 300g fresh ricotta cheese

extra 100g dark chocolate 4 tablespoons sugar 1 egg

-Prepare the pastry in a bowl, whisk the eggs with sugar until mixture is puffed and add the softened butter and one-third of the dust sifted together, continue beating the whole thing and then add the rest of the powders, mix well all, form a ball and place it in the fridge to rest for an hour;

Prepare the filling-up the oven to 180 °
-with the electric whisk beat the ricotta with the sugar and egg; tritare a coltello il cioccolato e unirlo al composto;

-Foderare uno stampo da crostata da 22cm con carta forno o burro&farina;

-Stendere la frolla in due dischi di cui uno più grande per la base inferiore, con questo ricoprire lo stampo e versarvi all'interno il composto di ricotta;

-Coprire lo stampo con l'altro strato di frolla e se ne avanzasse formare delle decorazioni da mettere in superficie;

-Con i rebbi di una forchetta bucherellare il bordo della crostata così da far uscire l'umidità del ripieno;

-Cuocere in forno caldo per 40 minuti.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Man Masterbats In Car Clip

Plumcake varied Nutella

Aaaahhh, Nutella!
You know the expression enjoyed by Homer Simpson when he thinks of his favorite beer or hard to donoughts? here I have the same face when I think of Nutella!
The lowest dose that enters my house is the 750g jar and did not have time to go bad! Mai. Yesterday afternoon I was

"Gnecco," or in a bad mood, a bit malmostosa and reverse, in fact not really a good company, so in order to harmonize the environment, I decided to "sacrifice" three of my spoon to enrich a plum nectar bigusto.
cremosino The heart was very soft and the white part of toglietemelo ... daventi otherwise I will finish by solaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Ingredients 300g caster sugar 150g flour 00

cream 130g butter 4 eggs
1 packet of baking powder 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tablespoons
(well 4 if you want) of nutella

1 cup milk Preheat oven to 18th-degrees, the butter and flour a loaf pan or a hinge-22cm
In a bowl beat cream butter with sugar, then add an egg at a time and beat with whisk until mixture is very foamy;
-Sift flour with baking powder and vanilla and add to mixture, stirring gently with a wooden spoon, add half biscchiere milk and mix well;
-Pour half the mixture into the mold;
-Add the remaining mixture of cocoa and chocolate, mix well and dilute with milk , may seem too soft but that is so affixed in cooking nn dry and then can be soft and not stringy at least two days;
-Pour the mixture into the mold and black with the tip of a knife sunk in the two bodies so that marmorizzino lightly and evenly cook!
-I licked the spoon and then bake, bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, turn down to 160 and bake for 10 minutes and check the kitchen with uno stecchino.
-Far intiepidire giusto per non ustionarvi il palato al primo morso.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Payless Wallaby Shoes

Plumcake figs

La scorta di marmellata di fichi finalmente inzia a raccolto del mese scorso mi ha fruttato 4 barattoloni di marmellata di fichi&cioccolato, ma prima di utilizzare quella voglio finire la versione "nature" di soli fichi che ancora conservavo in dispensa, così su richiesta di un dolce " morbidoso-da-colazione-ma-non-troppo-dolce "(cit.) ho preparato un plumcake semplicissimo arricchito proprio con la marmellata incorporata all'impasto invece che spalmata all'interno!


130g soft butter 100g caster sugar 3 eggs

5-6 tablespoons flour 1 / 2 packet of baking powder
a jar of fig jam 250g milk taste

-Preheat oven to 180 degrees;
-Grease and flour pan classic plum cake
-Beat cream butter and sugar, add one egg at a time and continue beating with the whisk on medium speed;
-Sift flour with baking powder and add to the mixture a little at a time, mixing well with a wooden spoon, add the jam and masculated well together, if necessary agiungere too little milk to dilute the mixture, which must remain very creamy;
-Pour into the tin and bake for 45 minutes and check with a skewer.
-Allow to cool on a wire rack for cakes ... if you can always
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kate Ground Masterbate

Chocolate Cake

directly from the latest issue of "Salt & Pepper" I readily prepared this cake style American can not be more chocolaty!
A faint smell of coffee, which enriches the rich flavor of dark chocolate that makes it a true master in any recipe.
I have not changed a comma in the doses and ingredients of the cake, followed the recipe exactly as it was given in the magazine .. here it is:

extra 300g dark chocolate 150g caster sugar 3 eggs

00 180g flour 40g cocoa powder

1 / 2 sachet baking powder 2 teaspoons instant coffee vanilla

30g butter 1 cup milk

- Preheat oven to 180 °
-Melt chocolate in water bath spezzetato with the butter and let cool
-Beat the eggs with half dose of sugar, sift the dust (flour + baking powder + cocoa + sugar) and add the melted chocolate gradually, mixing well so that all nn unmount the eggs;
-Add the milk gradually;
-Grease and flour a mold 20cm round hinged and pour the mixture, bake in preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes, lower the temp. 160 ° and bake for 10 minutes
-Allow to cool in the mold and serve.
Hugs, kisses & cookies

I had the mold by 18cm so I got 4 other super mega muffins choco snack with which we will soon soon!

Friday, October 9, 2009

How To Masterbate Woman

New York Cheesecake

The site of " Saffron Yellow " is always a fantastic resource to comb through when you are looking for a recipe!
I wanted to try the super clasica and traditional New York Cheesecake "is because I was urgently required, and because it looks like a true "comfort food" that taking advantage of the first freschino this fall that he did not want to arrive, yesterday I used to cook it!
I bought the Philadelphia, then I pity that I forgot it in my fridge, so I had cottage cheese in the house that I used, and the result was much softer than with cream cheese, and is too slightly different from the original because it seems more compact than frothy, but the flavor did not suffer!

Ingredients (20cm springform pan)

for the base:
type digestive biscuits 80g butter 40g

for the cream: 250g fresh ricotta

100ml fresh cream (in nn cartoccino, that fresh!)

100g caster sugar 20g vanilla
starch or flour 1 egg and 2 egg

Prepare the base:
-crush biscuits in a food processor, add the melted butter and compact the mixture over the base of the mold lined with parchment paper, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to compact;

Prepare the cream:
-heat the oven to 180 degrees;
-In a bowl beat eggs with sugar, vanilla and cream until creamy and very swollen;
-Add the ricotta and the starch (or flour) and whisk again to mix the everything
-Remove the mold from refrigerator and add the cream and bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes, lower the temperature to 160 ° and continue for another 10 minutes.
-I then turned off the oven and open the door slightly and let the cake to cool with the fonro without removing it.
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Airforce Condor Air Rifle

cupcakes raspberry jam

Ingredients (6 cupcakes)

150g flour 100g brown sugar 00

100g ground almonds 90g butter 2 eggs

1 / 2 packet yeast sweet
1 / 2 jar raspberry jam

-Preheat oven to 180 °
-Divide yolks and whites;
-Cream butter and sugar, add one egg at a time and then sieve the flour and baking powder;
-Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt and gently stir the mixture;
-Se must also add a little milk;
-Pour the mixture into muffin cups on a third and add a teaspoon of raspberry jam in each, pour the remaining mixture and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Hugs, kisses & cookies

Monday, September 14, 2009

Brown Discharge And Fever

Pudding Chocolate and amaretto

are tornataaaaaaa! Ok for a while because
I have to run away again, oh oh oh ... official, now the time to post recipes scarce so much and I regret this because it take a few minutes at the keyboard of the computer to write about ingredients and their styling is more relaxed when I take this opportunity I can carve out some time during the evenings of rest from spignattamento in agriculture!
I do not like a lot of the desserts, I prefer a bela chocolaty cake instead of Bavarian-cream pudding and the like, but the last request we have prepared this very simple chocolate pudding, following the basic recipe and then I just added some sliced \u200b\u200balmonds and amaretto into the final as a decoration!

Ingredients (8 molds or 2 large)

2 bags of prepared custard powder 700ml warm milk

amaretto almond flakes to taste

-Dissolve the preparation of the third dose of milk and mix with a whip in a way not to form lumps, heat in a nonstick saucepan and add the remaining milk a little at a time until you reach a boil, simmer on low heat for a few minutes and then pour in the molds lightly moistened with Amaretto;
-Let cool to room temperature and then allow to cool completely in refrigerator at least 3 hours before serving;
-decoration How to use the macaroons to be placed on individual molds or on pleasure stampi più grandi; si possono anche sbriciolare sopra il budino già sformato!

Lo so che il budino si prepara anche molto semplicemente con cacao e fecola o maizena, però ho trovato questo preparato equosolidale che è davvero ottimo, senza conservanti nè sostanze strane di cui nn si bene l'esatta provenienza!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

St. Dalfour Whitening Cream

A collection for the summer

Siamo quasi giunti alla fine della stagione estiva, tutto sommato mancano solo 22 giorni al termine da calendario ma cosa ci impedisce di raccogliere una bellissima serie di ricette che possano poi ricordarci dei colori e profumi di questa meravigliosa stagione?!
Mik , il suo team e tante blogger hanno pensato bene di creare una raccolta di ricette dedicate e ispirate all'estate; io mi intrometto con questa torta di yogurt e lamponi!
L'originale è di una ricetta trovata sul numero di agosto di "Good Food" e non prevedeva l'uso dello yogurt ma dato che avevo meno burro di quanto previsto e più yogurt del preventivato, ho fatto buon viso a cattivo gioco e mi sono giostrata con le quantità!

Ingredienti (stampo da 22cm)

140g farina mandorle
140g farina 00
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
1 bustina vanillina
140g zucchero semolato
2 uova intere
90g burro pomata
1 vasetto yogurt magro bianco

raspberries taste-Preheat oven to 180 degrees in palnetaria
-Sift flour with baking powder sugar and vanilla;
-Break the eggs and beat well start all at medium speed, add butter, very soft and yogurt, whip around quickly to make a soft, almost pastel-
Pour two thirds of mixture into the mold, covered with parchment paper or greased and floured and arrange the raspberries on the SURFACE, pour the mixture and then garnish with remaining the last raspberries;
-A pleasure to decorate with sliced \u200b\u200balmonds;
-Bake for 30-35 minutes, let cool in the mold and then serve with vanilla ice cream.

Hugs, kisses & cookies

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lion Hat Purchase Luna Lovegood

Risotto Rosemary

Finally a morning break!
The last two weeks have been hectic, chaotic, hot and demanding: the work in farm me completely absorbed, so that I could not remember how it was even made my bed! 13h wound up running up and down the kitchen as un'indemoniata to prepare appetizers and first-cakes! What great satisfaction!!
I am not alone in the kitchen, of course! In fact I'm the lad on duty, because I'm just doing the sound and ranks as a good pulley run, climb and descend stairs, doors and out boxes of meat-vegetable-cheese-pan cakes and pies!
But I have my space stage, between a service and the other preparing kg and kg of jam, this was more of the week ... the next you do not know yet! as long as there are to be collected if they do ... and cook and go and run and pass with the mill, and leave to thicken and then invaded, then sterilize the jars, then dry them, then prepare labels and label Popi! oh yes!

Since it is on the menu this week, I leave you the recipe for Risotto with Rosemary
(no pictures because for obvious reasons, or are behind in making risotto or do the photos, but when there are guests at the table in a hurry to eat without taking into account that the timing of cottura del riso sono quelli e non lo possiamo preparare due ore prima...manca a me il tempo per scattare le foto!)

Ingredienti (per 4 persone)

250g riso carnaroli
1,5 l brodo vegetale
due cucchiai di olio evo
1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco
una manciata di rosmarino tritato finemente a coltello
1 lime, il succo.
burro-parmigiano qb

-Preparare il brodo vegetale con sedano-carota-cipolla-prezzemolo;portare a bollore, tenere in caldo;
-Tostare il riso con l'olio e poi sfumare con il vino bianco quando la parte alcolica è completamente evaporata iniziare ad aggiungere il brodo vegetale e mescolare con cura; aggiungere un mestolo alla volta di brodo and cook in 15-16 minutes;
-5 minutes from the end of cooking add the rosemary-
When the rice is al dente, turn off the heat and proceed with creaming the butter and Parmesan cheese to taste; Council to put a little so as not to cover the taste of rosemary
-A also creaming time, add the lime juice;
Serve and serve!

A pleasure to get rigalimoni, zest of lime to put on the plate as the final decoration!
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Friday, July 31, 2009

Recipe For Simple Madras

Come on come on let's go ... ... spignattar

Among the last pages of this blog ran an abundance of hay bales as those seen in the dust, wrapped dl desert in western movies, not I was not at all in this virtual life on the guilt or the fact that I have lavished instead the real one every day looking for a job in gourmet, finally finding it after I literally made via telephone and in person in some farms near Milan , to be precise in Brianza, an area that is full of interesting proposals to spend a Sunday with his legs under the table to eat as they say "typical" and "good."

Today begins my new adventure, one of many in recent years I have stubbornly sought, often without the mother's approval that has not always shared with me my aspirations and my real desires, but that has never, however, balked segregating within the four walls and a warning as punishment later. It is certain that she
AVEE preferred another way because of his daughter and at times little dreamer constant, but I know he loves me and I understood from the emphasis with which in recent days asking me updates and news about my new beginning.

The fact is that the head of projects, there are many, one that involves my friend Alice, sister and friend for many years now and with whom the idea of \u200b\u200bsharing the passion for cooking would be a ' great satisfaction, but today it began a solo, is a test, as always, even to myself, I want to convince me that mine is not only a passion, but that move from this passion I am able to do something concrete that is both satisfying and rewarding.
More explanations in due time, we say that these lines are more valuable to me as a Jew's harp rather than a real announcement.
I expected my trial period, then as I was early "look" okay .. so we'll see! The usual sweet
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Monday, July 6, 2009

Red Streaks On Skin Face

soft cake & raspberry jam

Ye, ye ye ... this Monday we are to meet with the usual " Tips & Cooks " on LeiWeb !
cue and inspiration for the recipe was grilled yesterday at the lake, spectacular day, sunny, warm but ventilated because on our famous lawn is always good too! After many years of camping, finally, my uncles, and guests, took four walls that enclose a small but equipped kitchen with oven ... which for me when he sees that as a bag of flour for the pastry and esenziale unable to restrain himself was the driving force for me to prepare a quick trick quick to nibble at the end of lunch!

I used what I had available, but being a simple mixture, the same can be prepared muffins (with my doses it should be about 20), or a cake with a diameter of 24cm!
Here is the recipe!

Hugs, kisses & cookies

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Skillnad På Ntscj Och Ntsc

clafoutis tart cherries

weekly appointment with LeiWeb and the usual recipe from the "Tips & Cooks! Dolce
very typical of French cuisine in this house that receives a huge success every time is the clafoutis with cherries!
It is noticeable that should not be pitted cherries, but are only cleaned and, of course it is good to warn the patrons of this "missing" because otherwise you rickshaws to jeopardize any of the teeth, but tradition says so!! What is certain is that having

available to the levanocciolo you can use it without too much guilt, the French do not have it bad if you decide to distort so kindly this recipe!
Follow the link for the recipe!

Hugs, kisses & cherries

Monday, June 15, 2009

Queen Anne Computer Desk

Bread & Apples

Bentrovai appointment on Monday with the recipes of "Tips & Cooks " to " LeiWeb "!
This week I offer a gourmet medley as I enjoyed calling in contacts between the two recipes that are a source of memories for me and lots of snacks!
Two cakes that they both belong to the popular tradition of Lombardy my home region, and Piedmont, my adoptive region: the first is the super classic " Paesana cake" (or "cake of bread"), while the second is an apple pie and chocolate I have ever eaten in piedmont because at least once a week or grandmother or her sister it prepared its own version!

Both have a recipe codified in the sense that it is very very simple cakes, do not provide fixed doses of ingredients, and these themselves may also change depending on availability! Grandma, just as an example, you may not home had raisins or pine nuts was not affixed to the store to pick them up ... if it was safely without it!!
Seguite il link per la ricetta !!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Play Tech Deck Live Com

Mega muffins without eggs

Come ogni venerdì eccoci arrivati all'appuntamento con la rubrica " Cibo LiberaMente " su Mik !
Questa ricetta è dedicata a tutti coloro che patiscono la presenza delle uova in generale e sono allergici alla proteina contenuta sia nel tuorlo che nell'albume e che è causa delle maggiori reazioni allergiche: ovalbumina.

Ho pensato ad una ricetta che fosse adatta a tutti, grandi e piccini e la versione cioccolatosa che vi propongo è assolutamente rimodellabile a seconda dei gusti personali.
Dato che nella stragrande maggioranza dei dolci la presenza delle uova intere o solo tuorli/albumi è data per scontata ho deciso di cercare un'alternativa alle torte che io personalmente amo tantissimo e che soprattutto in inverno preparo a seconda dell'umore del giorno!
La lievitazione in questo caso è stimolata dal lievito di birra che agisce nell'impasto ma senza farsi sentire troppo, per cui il risultato è un dolce morbido e soffice; unica nota che mi preme sottolineare è che non essendoci la presenza nemmeno del burro è una torta che resiste un paio di giorni al massimo conservata avvolta nell'alluminio, altrimenti rischia di essere un pò stopposetta!

A piacere ovviamente nell'impasto si può aggiungere la desired amount of butter to make it even more soft and elastic dough.
Hugs, kisses & cookies

ah ... take a stroll here ! I celebrate itself just a little bit! =)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Nike Jacket 56323 05553

full loaf of barley and poppy seeds

Still bread!!
Well yes! Since I discovered the power of the yeast at least once a week when the party then I use it for a better pagnottona!
With 500g of flour (usually mixed in full) I get two loaves of average size! It 's a form that I find very convenient because it usually ends in a round of dinner / lunch and the other once the cold and cut into slices the freeze in order to have fresh bread for the next day!
Follow the link for the recipe ... this week is Monday, and then the appointment is for the heading " Tips & Cooks " on LeiWeb !!

leave comments there too so I have no way to respond even before here on the blog!
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Friday, June 5, 2009

Emirates Ticket Pnr 2010

sorbet chocolate cake Freely

Party officially this week by appointment through Friday under the heading "Food Freely " published Blog Mik.

The idea came looking for a argomento che potesse essere interessante e "diverso" da pubblicare con cadenza settimanale ma che avesse come contenuto non solo la semplice ricetta, ma soprattutto potesse incontrare esigenze di "regimi alimentari" non del tutto tradizionali.
Dato che, un pò per sfrotuna, un pò a questo punto per fortuna, io sono sempre stata costretta a mantere una salda attenzione nei confronti di tutto quello che mi metto nel piatto, ho voluto condividere con tutti coloro che hanno intolleranze alimentari o vere e proprie allergie quelle che sono le mie esperienze e quel poco di competenza che negli anni mi sono creata!

Da qui il nome, scelto dallo staff di Mik che come sempre sfoggia grande fantasia: "Cibo LiberaMente" proprio per sottolineare la possibilità di mangiare cibi che solitamente vengono proposti con ingredienti che possono scatenare qualche reazione in modo "alternativo" ovvero liberandoci dall'ansia e dal timore di quelle stesse reazioni!

La prima ricetta che ho scelto di realizzare è dedicata a chi patisce il lattosio e i derivati del latte ma non vuole rinunciare ad una golosissima merenda nei giorni di caldo torrido!
Un sorbetto al cioccolato (ovviamente super fondente nel mio caso, ma regolabile di mai scendere sotto il 60% come cioccolato fondente).
Godetevi pure tutta la sua dolcezza, perchè anche la linea non è per nulla a rischio! Ricetta light e golosa al tempo stesso!

La ricetta originale la potete trovare nel libro di James Martin " Desserts ".

Monday, June 1, 2009

Vc-211a Drivers Windows Vista


Nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica " Tips&cooks " su " LeiWeb "!
Quest'oggi ho scelto di pubblicare la ricetta di una torta soffice soffice e arricchita dal gusto morbido ma corposo della crema al lemon curd!

La ricetta la potete trovare qui!
Per il LemonCurd potete invece affidarvi alla ricetta del "Cavoletto di Bruxelles" oppure cercare direttamente la versione già pronta al supermercato, ormai si trova without any major problems!
Hugs, kisses & cookies

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dolce And Gabbana Swot

Crostata di speck&asparagi

Fresh Fresh publishing LeiWeb this tasty recipe with the latest asparagus available in season !!!!! Good

Hugs, kisses & cookies