Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rules To Frustration Board Game


a long time I could not remember the dreams, on time, I did every night. Towards the end of the dream I felt like I could not forget what I had seen or heard, then when I woke up, I could not bring out anything more than I wanted to see, whether or not a feeling of anxiety or fear or joy or disbelief. This morning, however, do the dawn, things went differently than usual, and almost could not believe my eyes. I could see clearly all the pictures and remember, word for word what he had said a figure of powerful, throaty voice, turning to me. All around him shone with a diffuse light che lo  faceva assomigliare ad un santo della migliore tradizione. 
Ero incredulo. Anzi, spaventato. "Che cosa mi sta succedendo?, pensai. "Che sia la lucidità che precede il trapasso?". Attesi un  po', ma mi convinsi che non era questa la situazione. Decisi allora di mettere nero su bianco. Presi l'I Phone di mio figlio e registrai, parlando ad alta voce, il monologo di quella figura: le parole si trasformarono quasi miracolosamente in parole scritte. E ora, con una semplice operazione di copia-incolla, le trasferisco qui:
" You want to know how we take action? We will only say that we have taken many decisions that have increased the political weight of our family. After all you, in your blog, which I follow closely from the beginning, I've written and rewritten. Also too, actually. So I will not be here to remind you all of my movements. I will just tell you that is still missing - but for a very short time - a key move on the chessboard of our power: the direct management of Theatre . It 's time for him to leave (with full honors, of course, we do not want your shoes to anyone!) who have hitherto had the tasks of management of the theater, we have in the house who has the ability to decide the programming to make a great leap of Culture. It 's still one of our family? Sure, but it's our fault if people from all geniuses out there? And then, let's face it, people just might grumble, Sparla too, but then revealed to have a great digestive system.


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