Monday, March 7, 2011

Sample Letter Of Welcoming New Church Members

Altre immagini del Carnevale Terranovese.

As expected, yesterday had its reply, the traditional parade of floats through the streets of the country. Although come to lack the curiosity to discover the new tanks, as well as last Sunday, the country has experienced an exciting afternoon of visibility. Many were the curious have left for neighboring countries. In the event later Plaza Imperial was presented directly to the Councillor Anthony Mazzarella, in collaboration with DJ Michael Pomarico. And 'the mayor intervened to welcome the Administration to all citizens. Then the children of the schools have performed in ballets and small ripercorrenti sketch the history of unified Italy. Postponed to Tuesday, the sausage-organized by the Pro Loco. Here are some pictures. We thank Alfonso and Alfonso Ciccone Nardelli for their efforts in composing the video!


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