Monday, February 28, 2011

Circus Themed Sayings

Carnevale Terranovese, primo grande successo

was held yesterday, the first parade of floats at the carnival devoted to the history of our nation on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of unification of Italy. "46 ° Carnevale Terranovese: It to .. ia made, unmade and remade" was the theme that united the creativity of teachers in schools (that return to be protagonists of the project), group carristi Terranovese Carnival Committee and to set up the carnival this year. So much history, so many costumes sewn and finished in every detail, a bit of political satire today characterized the construction of wagons. They range from the breach of Porta Pia, the flight of the king after the 2nd World War, the Company of Garibaldi and the satire of Bossi and the League of Friends Carroccio che provano invano a spezzare il Belpaese e tanto altro ancora. La sfilata iniziata intorno alle 15,30 ha visto la partecipazione di tanti nostri concittadini. Tantissimi, voglio sottolineare, sono coloro i quali giunti dai paesi limitrofi per ammirare questa tradizione così bella e radicata del nostro paese. Al termine della sfilata in piazza è stato allestito uno stand di degustazione di dolci tipici. Si replicherà domenica 6 Marzo per la seconda giornata, prima del Martedì Grasso, giorno conclusivo nel quale verranno estratti i vincitori della lotteria di carnevale. Nel video qualche immagine.

Ants Attracted To Urine



With this recipe I participate in the new context of Air

I created these cups in my opinion simply because I wanted something tasty but I did not want to be a mess too so I looked at the cake is still lying there in the pantry a friend had given me a nice bowl of strawberries in syrup ... invent some cups .... actually my husband said this is not a cup but a bombaaaa ... hihihi but has devoured his bomb cup ...
in a bowl beat the egg yolks with sugar until the mixture is fluffy, the egg whites until stiff mundane work apart from the mascarpone with a wooden spoon, add the liqueur and mix well add the mixture of egg yolks, stirring well and then the egg whites until stiff gently stirring the mixture ..

take the cake and cut two slices are not very high less than a half cm slices and placed on the bottom of a cup and bathe the cake with the cream of limoncello to our cream di mascarpone sul panettone bagnato e adagiamo sopra l'altra metà di fetta di panettone bagnamo leggermende di crema al limoncello e andiamo a coprire con le fragoline sciroppate e mettiamo in frigo fino al momento di servire ....

... LIA ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Used Honey Extractor For Sale Ontario


here are my bins

what do you think ...????

an asset CABBAGE
2 Butter
500 g of fresh orecchiette
1 shallot

Hello everyone today a dish is exceptional for an unforgettable taste .... some time ago Accantoalcamino free blog published this recipe and immediately struck me as I wanted to try adding a few changes in the serve ... not only did her figure but it was well appreciated ..... soooooo soooooo good but ... by free ...
take our puliamola laviamola cabbage and cut into strips not too small and riduciamola spelliamola pndiamo the sausage into small pieces and let's let's keep it from scouring and part in heat .... in a pan put the oil and let dry shallots sliced \u200b\u200bstew let's do it without letting it brown add the cabbage into strips adjusted with a little salt and leave to dry the lid is closed we combine the cabbage white wine and let evaporate ...

when the well dried cabbage and add our sausage mix and cook for few minutes in between we're going to boil our orecchiette in salted water and drain well pour water into the pan orecchiette with cabbage and sausage, stirring well and we add the heart of the butter into small pieces mix very well to mix well and let's serve in the baskets of free Parmesan says go well served in the leaf of cabbage ... but I wanted to try out with baskets and the result was amazing ... obviously you can only serve in the same dish are very good ....

PS obviously been careful to overdo it with the cabbage and sausage burrata otherwise you'll end up eating more :-)

... LIA ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Menstrating Pain In Rectum


Cubase Sx3 Auf Mac Installieren

Just wanting to hear nothing

Esiste davvero. E’ una voce dentro di noi. Più forte dell’ignavia, della paura e persino del cinismo. Usa parole diverse, ma ripete sempre la stessa frase: fai la cosa giusta. L’ha ascoltata il signor Antonio, ex vigile vicentino che da quando è in pensione si piazza ogni giorno a gambe apart in front of the school of his country to set out the swarm of students. A machine-shark does not slow down and tip a small survivor among the strips. Mr. Antonio has no time to think, just feel. Jumps on the baby and pushes him away. So though he is to remain at the mercy of the shark, whose nose metal catapult him into the sky. The body of a retired policeman falls twenty feet away on the asphalt. That's one of those martyrs who lay should honor.

The voice of the heart speaks to everyone, everywhere, at all ages. From Veneto, Calabria, Catanzaro in a school where the principal challenges the regulation as a clapper, and prohibit a student with a disability to participate in the class trip. Sort by even his fellow tacergli the date of travel. But one of them feels throbbing within him the voice and responds to the president: If he can not go on a trip, then do not go there either. One after another, the comrades echoed, not even I, even I, me neither. And now we even reading the articles that speak of blood, misery and intrigue. But that voice there. Just wanting to hear.

Massimo Gramellini; PRESS

New Oven Setting Off Carbon Monoxide Detector

bunga bunga

Jump Apicella concert scheduled for March 10 Arcimboldi in Milan for the pre-flop: one (1!) one ticket sold. Here, I would ask the judiciary to open a case to investigate the identity of the mysterious buyer, because while there was talk of a full house at Arcore.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kidde Ionization Smoke Alarm 1276 Keeps Beeping


i miei cestini

ecco i miei cestini di ho visti su diversi blog e a dire il vero non li avevo mai fatti mi son piaciuti a prima vista quando li ho visti sui vostri blog so I told myself I want them too .... are not so difficult and then may be used in different ways as an aperitif or
may contain the first and if we want the flesh then you'll see my baskets as I used them ....

the ingredients are grated Parmesan or pecorino cheese ... what you need is a pan antiatedernte and a glass or cup in the shape that I want in this case I am served a great cup ...
you heat the pan and pour in 2:00 to 3:00 tablespoons of grated cheese (depending on the size you want of course) and melt giving the shape of a circle melt when you do not burn well and dissolved (cover with cheese if there are any holes) Remove the pan from the heat and let thicken for a few seconds and with the help of a spoon take away from the pan upside down on our cheese and our glass this cup or you will burn your fingers a little bit * _ ^ but will ... press to shape it and let cool completely
... Once cooled andimao to fill our baskets to our liking .. wait for the next post to see my use of baskets :-)

... TRY TO ENJOY ...
... LIA ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reel To Reel Repair Los Angeles

Ah, I forgot

Since the pig did not throw anything away, in fact, I would like to clarify once and for all that, apart from articles and cartoons can be easily found, many are drawn from ideuzze .

Thanksgiving Veggie Side Dishes

How To Make Moon Stone

dangerous ... But Funny ...

How Long Can I Live With Aids


two beautiful colors ... These roses

two beautiful roses and a good roast beef ...

with my puppies ....

1 kg of loin of veal
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 cloves' GARLIC
1 / 2 cup white wine

good morning everyone Today I dedicate this post because I have been dedicated to bring these two beautiful roses and the colors that I like very much, even if they are a little too flowery, but less good van ... and when to take them because you and your child (mine is 8 years old) are welcome went out Sunday morning with my father and my husband are back in the hour of lunch and when they rang the bell, I view these roses and my son with a face like a little angel said to me: Mom these are for you because you're my mom .. do not tell you made me the tears for joy .. and a amoreeee ... even if sometimes would pull the neck when I'm angry .. but you know, and am well:)
then the roses were put on the table at lunch and did a floral tribute to my great roast beef ....

take our piece of meat from our butcher and let's play with the network for better cooking and closed on the net ... In fact, over the network and the Internet ... hihihi take an aluminum pot with high sides of this size that can hold good piece of meat put olive oil and heating oil do not burn it to normal fire, we washed and dried rosemary and fissiamolo the network go to put the meat in the pot with hot oil and two cloves of garlic, turn the meat with two wooden spoons without piercing the flesh in order not to leave his liquid .. we get the meat and go to blend with the white wine and let evaporate over high heat for 4-5 minutes .. when you start to feel very sizzling from the pan will begin to turn red-hot splashes from the meat without burning it and let it cook for a further 4-5 minutes per side ... when all sides are well cooked, lower the heat slightly and let cook with lid closed for 5-10 minutes ...

remove from heat and let cool in the pan after the meat we put the piece of meat on a wire rack to drip its sughino cool until it obviously fits under a flat to collect his liquid .. . Take the meat and cut into thin slices and serve accompanied with her beautiful sughino ...

PS you can not slice them and store in refrigerator in a closed piece of aluminum foil and use it the next day it will be more good .. .

... TRY TO ENJOY ...
... LIA ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Kamehasutra Time Machine Completo


While who was ber country if sprofonna ;

While who was ber country if sprofonna
between landslides, teremoti, innondazzioni
while I know that 'finished them mijioni
eg a Turà in deficit de la Madonna

Mentre scole e musei  cadeno  a pezzi
e l'atenei  nun c'hanno più quadrini
pe' la ricerca, e i cervelli ppiù fini
vanno in artre nazzioni a cercà mezzi                                                                                                                     
As he fools pagheno taxes
steals and if at full blast and if imbrojia
and pensions so 'always low PPIU

A light kindled in the night.
Stay calm people itajiano
We sarva the hoes there.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pre Used Sidekick Lx How Do I Get Internet


6 medium potatoes
150 g peas
200 grams of ham DICED
SALE e PEPE q.b.

con questa ricetta partecipo al nuovo contest di natalia "plum-cake dal dolce al salato"...finalmente ci sono riuscita a fare e inventare questo plum-cake per la tua tanto inizio con questa...che dici andrà bene..!?

my plum-cake of potatoes invented to combine all the ingredients and the cake and made ....
take the frozen peas and let them simmer for 3-5 minutes in a pendulum with a goccino oil and salt ... remove from heat and let cool .. boil the potatoes, peel them and reduce them mashed with a potato masher in a bowl, we combine the peas, eggs, cheese made in small pieces, parsley lavato e tritato finemente, il prosciutto a cubetti, il formaggio grattugiato e aggiustiamo di sale e pepe e mescoliamo bene il tutto....

prendiamo lo stampo da plum-cake io ho usato il silicone della tupperware oliamo lo stampo e andiamo a spolverare con il pan grattato... prendiamo l'impasto e andiamo a riempire lo stampo con il cucchiaio andiamo a livellare e spolveriamo con una leggera spolverata di pan grattato...mettiamo in forno caldo a 180-200 per circa 30-40 minuti..togliamo dal forno e lasciamo intiepidire prima di sformare il nostro plum-cake........ ottimo anche freddo..

... LIA ...