Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Volleyball Ribbons


4 slices of veal
4 slices of MORTADELLA
4 slices
OIL-salt-pepper to taste
1 / 2 cup white wine
1 clove garlic

a recipe at the last minute ... and because I do a lot of first hand with the asparagus and then I made a second invented ..... acceptable result:)
puliamoli take the asparagus and blanch in hot water to come on ... tap lightly salted meat with meat tenderizer and we are going to fill the meat with slices of mortadella, a slice of cheese slices, and put the asparagus tips over the slices climb pepiamo and roll and the rolls with toothpicks and stop them ...

go in a pan put olive oil with a clove of garlic and let it dry without removing the color too .. 'let's add the asparagus, garlic and boiled small pieces .. Let's keep a little aside stir and cook the asparagus for 5 minutes over high heat with lid closed normal .. take the rolls and let's put them in the pan with the asparagus and cook it in focus normal, let's tone down with half a glass of white wine and let evaporate cook sweet mix well and if necessary add some water if too dry ..... take a bit of asparagus from the pan with the meat and frulliamoli to get our mashed boiled asparagus ... take the aspartagi held by part and we add pieces to the pan with the rolls and cook for a few minutes and serve warm with our mashed asparagus ....

... TRY TO ENJOY ...
... LIA ...


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