Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Just wanting to hear nothing

Esiste davvero. E’ una voce dentro di noi. Più forte dell’ignavia, della paura e persino del cinismo. Usa parole diverse, ma ripete sempre la stessa frase: fai la cosa giusta. L’ha ascoltata il signor Antonio, ex vigile vicentino che da quando è in pensione si piazza ogni giorno a gambe apart in front of the school of his country to set out the swarm of students. A machine-shark does not slow down and tip a small survivor among the strips. Mr. Antonio has no time to think, just feel. Jumps on the baby and pushes him away. So though he is to remain at the mercy of the shark, whose nose metal catapult him into the sky. The body of a retired policeman falls twenty feet away on the asphalt. That's one of those martyrs who lay should honor.

The voice of the heart speaks to everyone, everywhere, at all ages. From Veneto, Calabria, Catanzaro in a school where the principal challenges the regulation as a clapper, and prohibit a student with a disability to participate in the class trip. Sort by even his fellow tacergli the date of travel. But one of them feels throbbing within him the voice and responds to the president: If he can not go on a trip, then do not go there either. One after another, the comrades echoed, not even I, even I, me neither. And now we even reading the articles that speak of blood, misery and intrigue. But that voice there. Just wanting to hear.

Massimo Gramellini; PRESS


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