Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Let Rs2 Bot Run

December 2010 trip to Sicily. 29. Rome: the Cathedral - December 2010

29. Palermo: Cathedral (photo by Luigi Bologna)

Cathedral It was built in 1185, but was altered at various times, in the '300 and 400 and, especially at the end of the eighteenth century, when you turned the interior and added the cupola. The facade of the century. XIV - XV, tight between two high towers, inspired by blind arches, crowned with a horizontal and a magnificent Gothic portal. Two bridge connecting the tower to the bizarre, the end of which was rebuilt in 800. On the left side of the Lodge stands dell'Incoronata of sec. XII, but altered in the '500. From it the kings used to show the people after the coronation.
Impressive and dramatic is the right side of the facade, on which there is a large portico, built in the 2nd half of '400, in the forms of Gothic catalan, with pointed arches, gables with carved arabesques minutes . Below is a rich Gothic portal (the usual entrance) in 1426, surmounted by a mosaic of the Madonna, the end of '200.

High on the wall of the nave, alternating with other open blind arches, decorated with marquetry.

One of the two external arcs connecting with a bell tower
The interior is transformed in neoclassical style by the end of 700, has three aisles by pillars. Above the pillars, statues of saints, by Antonello Gagini. Note the dome and the deep chancel.

The 1st and 2nd chapel on the right costodiscono the famous imperial and royal tombs (Henry VI, Frederick II, Empress Constance, Roger)
Detail of the ceiling

The Treasury and the Crypt


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