Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eliminate Dog Allergy

Partyamo March 17



Rome, February 11, 2011

the Facebook profile of all the illustrious Messrs. Prefects

Subject: X megasuperparty celebrate national unity !!!!!!!!!! !

treasures Hello!

In relation to the festivities ke megaparty X before we were so many different countries and then, thanks to Gary Baldi, we have become a united country only ttt, Rikorda ke is the day of the March 17 public offices are the skuole kiusi! !!!!!!!!

(MARCEGALLIA You go to work!: D: D)

rakkomanda xtanto is to verify the janitors ke kiudano well the doors! ;)))))

X ke it relates to the party, you Rikorda ke:

1) The evening will begin with an Eppy Auar (or bee) based moitié & kapirosche c / o (ke means at) the BAR NECK, P.iazza Venice, Rome (not to konfondere with BAR OMETRO, P.iazza Rome, Venice) to 18.00. It rakkomanda punctuality;

2) MUSIK MUSIK MUSIK !!!!!!!!!!! there is a requirement of a gang Musikalia ke performs the following songs (or songs): "Italy Italy, di M. Reitano; “l’Italiano”, di T. Kotugno; “Waka Waka”, di Sciakira; “Notizia è l’anagramma de mio nome”, di Tizy Ferro.Vietato suonare cose noiose, no inno, no Mameli, sì schiuma party.

3) E’ ftto divieto di introdurre al party: mignotte; cani; cocaina (soprattutto cani). E’ inoltre vietato tokkarmi tramite pakke sulla spalla X iniettarmi le sostanze della morte e/o le droghe che ti fanno dire la verità anke se tu vuoi dire le bugie (lo diko xkè lo so ke QUELLA XSONA KE TUTTI SAPETE KI E’ mi droga quando nn me me accorgo).

4) Siete ttti invitati!!!!! I hope not krepi kon ke ki ttte his sluts.

Stase See you! Hello !!!!!! 1!

Minister of Interior Dr. Sara Tommasi
♥ ♥ ♥



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