Monday, February 21, 2011

Kamehasutra Time Machine Completo


While who was ber country if sprofonna ;

While who was ber country if sprofonna
between landslides, teremoti, innondazzioni
while I know that 'finished them mijioni
eg a Turà in deficit de la Madonna

Mentre scole e musei  cadeno  a pezzi
e l'atenei  nun c'hanno più quadrini
pe' la ricerca, e i cervelli ppiù fini
vanno in artre nazzioni a cercà mezzi                                                                                                                     
As he fools pagheno taxes
steals and if at full blast and if imbrojia
and pensions so 'always low PPIU

A light kindled in the night.
Stay calm people itajiano
We sarva the hoes there.


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