Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Do You Make The Battery On Poptropica -5?


A very warm thanks to those who gave us e ha pensato a noi per questo meraviglioso premio ci ha fatto molto piacere di aver accetato il premio...e noi lo giriamo a tutte le persone che passano a trovarci e che ci seguano e per chi lo vuole prelevare ancora un grazie da lia & pina..

con questa ricetta partecipo al contes di

a glass of white wine
20 g butter
2 teaspoon of flour
oil and salt
4 cloves garlic

I found this recipe for my web have marked the recipe on a piece of paper I do not remember exactly which was the site I apologize in advance ... but the recipe and very tasty and also gentle with Orange Sauce ... and with this recipe I participate in the contest of harm where I call you for those who have not yet seen of numbers where we will discover lots of new citrus recipes that do not yet know you should go to visit .....
start :
we washed the scaled and gutted sea bream and carve the cuts on the top with 3-4 - oblique nicks in and out of the deep salt sea bream fill your belly with some laurel leaves washed and dried and a few cloves of garlic small shirt ... grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with pepper and Lie down on the sea bream and sea bream drizzle with more olive oil and put in oven at 180-200 for 20 minutes and wet half cooked with white wine and simmer for about 15-20 minutes (obviously depending on the size of the bream will decrease the minutes) .....

in the meantime let's prepare the sauce, take the oranges and we obtain the juice and filtriamolo through a colander, put the butter in a saucepan and let's do melt add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon for a few seconds and add the juice of the oranges and let thicken on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly add some grated nutmeg salt and remove from heat when the sauce and sea bream are ready transferred our sea bream on a platter with slices of oranges, we take our gravy and of gilt Let 's go through a colander to add it to sauce mix well and sprinkle with orange sauce and served on the bream .....

... TRY TO ENJOY ...
... LIA ...


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