Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sentinel Rainbow Emulator


I was given a positive opinion:)

4 cleaned squid
60 g grated parmesan
1 egg
1 celery
1 carrot 1 onion
1 large bunch of parsley
1 tablespoon pine nuts
6 tablespoons OLIVE OIL
4 - 5 tablespoons bread crumbs
salt and pepper

I got this recipe from my book "Mediterranean cuisine" an unusual filling that seems to be cooked while making the sauce makes a smell in the house Nor do you realize that .. in fact my husband thought you were putting the meat in the fish smell that emanated .... squid are really very, very tasty you recommend them ......
take the tentacles of the squid and chop finely, clean celery, carota, e la cipolla, tritateli finemente e rosolateli a fuoco dolce in un tegame con 4 cucchiai di olio.. unite i tentacoli tritati e i pinoli un pò di sale e dopo qualche minuto versate il vino bianco e cuocere coperto per qualche minuto...togliamo dal fuoco e lasciamo raffreddare..

in una ciotola mettiamo il pane grattugiiato con il prezzemolo tritato e mescoliamo, aggiungiamo il formaggio, l'uovo, una grattata di noce moscata, sale e pepe amalgamiamo il tutto aggiungiamo i nostro soffritto di verdure con i tentacoli e mescoliamo bene al composto del pane grattugiato..

squid we get our stuff and go with our vegetable stuffing trying not overfilling may burst firing in otherwise close the opening with a toothpick and Let's go to place in a baking pan greased with remaining oil and two cloves of garlic and let cook in hot oven at 180-200 for about 15-20 minutes after cooking to let it sit a few minutes before serving sliced \u200b\u200bat the table ....

with this recipe for the collection of

... TRY TO ENJOY ...
... LIA ...


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